I finally was able to upload these pictures from AZ. We took advantage of another nice evening playing at a park. After being in our house alot because of the cold weather it was nice to go outside and let the kids burn off some energy in nice sunny weather. (This post has lots of pics..you were warned!)

Brooklyn was very independent on the slide. She made me nervous every time she went down but never fell.

Mackenzie is a good big sister and they really do get a long most of the time thank goodness.

Uncle Jimmy had them race.

Brooklyn short little legs just couldn't keep up! She made a good effort.

At the baseball game

The kids were more interested in the snacks then the game

Or in trying to drive the stroller

Another fun day. I actually got sunburned! I'll take it...better then the pasty white I am usually.
The weather looks gorgeous! I know the feeling of nervousness when your baby goes down the slide. Then I realized with Aiden, there was no need to worry. Boys are very resiliant.