Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I am just a little behind on posting since tball is now over! Whoops! Mackenzie played on the Lolo Dental Clinic Team with Brandon and our neighbor as coaches. She really had a good time and improved quite a bit. After the first game all I could do is laugh because it really was a mess. The kids got better every game though. We'll see if she plays baseball again next year.
I was trying to get a candid shot of her team on the bench. Well, she saw the camera and shot me a smile. Notice she is the ONLY one looking at me!

Brandon taught her to squish the bug with her back foot and she listened.
The action!!

1 comment:

  1. Such cute pictures! Little kids playing sports just makes me laugh. I had a great laugh while Kylie was playing soccer this year. :)
