Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Does anyone else have the same resolution as me to get organized? I am working on it a little at a time. I always thought I was a very neat and organized person but after living in our home for a year now I have found things are still where I quickly put them when we moved in. The "clutter" (to me) is driving me crazy so now I am determined to get this house put together. I am tired of it hanging over my head. It might take all year but it will be worth it! Anyone have any good organizing suggestions?
I am also finally getting my emergency binder completed. Now that we are more or less settled it is time to save my worry and get it done "just in case." A few other things are on the list of organization too. Hopefully I can stay on top of things and finally be organized!! I am actually kind of excited!!


  1. Organization is a constant struggle for me. One thing I've found that helps is having a specific place for everything and throwing away things that I haven't used in a year or two. Not that it always works for me, but when we are organized I feel like everything runs smoother. Our goal is getting our food storage completed.

  2. Umm, no suggestions here. I'm in the same boat but seeing that we're moving in a week or two, that will be my opportunity.

    really, I just wanted to say hi and welcome to the blogging world. I found you off of my sitemeter. :) your girls are adorable.

  3. If you're disorganized what would you call me?? You are the one I turn to for organizing tips. Let me know what you end up doing! Love the blog and the skiing pics!

  4. I so need to get started on this myself. I've been told that the container store is a great organizing source. http://www.containerstore.com/
    Let me know if you find some great organizing ideas.

  5. Look at you! 2 posts since you started, and it's only been a week! Good for you. Hey, when you get the organizing down come on over to my house and I'll let you tackle mine too!

  6. I sat in on an amazing class about organizing at the mothering convention last week. Check out the website www.myheartandhome.com I got their 10 steps to organized book. It really is good. Their other products look good too, but one step at a time. Some are also pretty easy to make yourself.
