Monday, March 30, 2009
Park and a Spring Training game
I finally was able to upload these pictures from AZ. We took advantage of another nice evening playing at a park. After being in our house alot because of the cold weather it was nice to go outside and let the kids burn off some energy in nice sunny weather. (This post has lots of were warned!)
Brooklyn was very independent on the slide. She made me nervous every time she went down but never fell.
Another fun day. I actually got sunburned! I'll take it...better then the pasty white I am usually.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
More AZ fun
It was so nice not to be bundled up to go outside. We took advantage of the sunshine and played outside. I am missing that sunshine right now since we have winter storm warnings and it is almost April! Ugh!
I had to add this since I haven't seen it on my brothers blog. Hope you don't mind Jim. Isn't he adorable! He is such a funny little kid.
The things kids say
This was too funny to forget. Today I was driving in to teach, the girls were with me, and it smelled like Brooklyn had a poopy diaper. Since I forgot to check before our quick exit out of the house I asked her, "Brooklyn are you poopy?" Her quick little personality said, "No........Mackenzie did it!" I died laughing! She doesn't miss a thing that is said or done around our house. Thanks to Brandon who always blames his toots (as they are called in our house) on one of us girls. I thought it was funny how she hardly paused before saying Mackenzie did it. She is quite the character!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Wild World Zoo
Brooklyn had never been to a zoo so she loved it and Mackenzie thought it was cool seeing the lions, tigers, zebras, giraffes, and the rhino even if it was being a bump on a log.
Thanks for taking us!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Happy St. Patty's Day
The sneaky little leprechaun came to our house and turned our toilets green! Mackenzie thought it was funny and wondered what else he had done. Unfortunately with being gone I didn't have anything else planned. She was a little disappointed. Next year I guess I better do better. Brooklyn was confused, partly because she had just woken up and Mackenzie drug her into the bathroon to show her before she left for school.
We had a fun day and even Brandon wore green to work! What other fun things did you do for St. Patrick's Day? I would love other fun ideas for next year.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Mackenzie's 2nd time skiing
Brandon took me skiing for the first time and Mackenzie's second time on valentines day. I was quite hilarious at first but then got the hang of it. It didn't take Mackenzie long to remember. We would get to the top of the bunny hill and she would say, "see you at the bottom" and off she'd go. There was a little 4 year old girl there that would fly down the hill. She showed me up! A fun day anyway!
A little late but oh well
Valentines day came and went it seems that is why it is now I am posting this. I wanted sugar cookies since I hadn't made them for probably years. We invited friends over to frost them so we wouldn't have as many to eat. Although I ate most of them anyways! The cookies tasted great and the kids had fun!
It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood
Monday, March 2, 2009
Brooklyn at the Sock Hop
I forgot to add this to the sock hop post. Sorry you have to turn your head to watch the video. Didn't take the time to figure out how to turn it. Anyway, this is Brooklyn with Brandon obviously. But there is a little boy who comes to dance with her. I missed the first time he did cause I was switching batteries. It was so cute! He even kissed her hand the first time and Brooklyn gave him a hug. We didn't know him or his parents and his parents were as surprised as we were. This is way too young to be starting this isn't it! (This was towards the end so they were kind of done playing the oldies) Enjoy! I hope it works.
Yep you read that right, pengaroo! Ever heard of it? Me either until Brooklyn said it while cleaning up her bath toys. I held the penguin and asked her what it was and with very little hesitation she said, "pengaroo." We got a good laugh, she got a little embarrassed because she new it wasn't right once she said it, then we laughed some more because she started saying and doing waddle, waddle, hop, waddle, waddle, hop. It sounded good to her!
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