Here are some more randoms of Brooklyn. She is quite a pistol but lots of fun if she is in a good mood. She is a very busy girl with a mind of her own. Little miss independent.."me do it!" She keeps me on my toes but makes me laugh, especially when she repeats words like delicious, butterfly, dinosaur, etc. as clear as you just said it! Don't ask me how. When asked how old she is she replies, without hesitation or thought, "19." Where did that come from? The only thing I can think of is she hears me tell other people she is 19 months old. Little kids hear more then we realize obviously! She knows she is funny and comments, "Brookyn (no typo, that is how she says it) funny, or I funny, or daddy funny (like a courtesy laugh). She is a pistol but we love her!
We finally got a little more snow so we had to put her sled and snow clothes to use.
She likes to help, especially if it is dad. She had to have her own shovel too!
What a good helper....look at all the snow in her shovel!
Santa made this magnetic chalkboard which she loves. She told me she was coloring a rainbow!
Getting organized at a young age. She is taking care of business...twice! (She likes to play with my ipod)
Who needs expensive toys when a good old cardboard box can be so much fun!
Sorry for the unclothed child but this was too funny to actually catch her practicing her "swimming!" After the water is gone she likes to "practice" swimming like Mackenzie. Good form!!!
Or she likes to practice her donkey kicks from gymnastics or just lay in the tub!
This is just a little of what she does. If I could figure out how to put video on here then you could see it in person instead of having to imagine through pictures!